Talking big is easy….

Coming back from Canada for the summer hols 2nd year in a row. The only difference this time is, I come back without having to give a shit about my studies for the time being and enjoy the hols like the way it should be — beer, friends, a bit of job (to finance the beer XD), and see if I can get meself a girl (this is the freaking saddest and hardest part lol). Anyway, just realised that I’m so green and “fresh” (rookie, if you don’t get what I mean) when I compare myself with my buds. Since reaching home and starting work at my sister’s office, and also meeting up with my friends, I noticed that I’m the only one that hasn’t changed, in fact, saying that I regressed would probably be more apt. The only thing that hasn’t changed is my “ability” to make ever bigger and wilder dreams and ambitions, only to not do something that would push me nearer to those dreams. More often than not I would even do something that takes me a whole damn lot further than where I wanna be.

Met her again today, and it opened a whole chest of past thoughts and memories. However as the night grew, it became apparent that we have never been this far apart in 2 different worlds and thinking as before. Things could change in the future, but for now I just wanna slap myself for regressing this badly even after 3 years in a foreign land. Nothing new and beneficial learned, yet everything bad and wrong about me amplified…. Serious fail. *facepalm*

*Warning: potential trash talking and daydreaming ahead.*

I guess it’s all up to me to change myself….. but can i?

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One more time, One more chance
歌名:One More Time,One More Chance〖愿往事重来〗
【新海诚动画】『秒速5センチメートル』<秒速5厘米> 主题曲
作词|作曲|演唱:山崎まさよし 〖山崎将义〗

これ以上(いじょぅ)なにをうしなえば こころはゆるされるの〖还要再失去什么 才能让心得到宽恕?〗
どれ程(ほど)の痛(いた)みならば もういちどきみにあえる〖还要再怎样痛楚 才能与你再次相见〗
One more time 季节(きせつ)よ うつろわないで〖One more time 不愿看到季节的变迁〗
One more time ふざけあった时间(じかん)よ〖One more time 曾与你嬉闹的时光啊〗

くいちがうときはいつも 仆(ぼく)が先(さき)におれたね〖每次争执的时候 都是我首先让步〗
わがままな性格(せいかく)が なおさら爱(いと)しくさせた〖你那任性的性格 反令你更加可爱〗
One more chance 记忆(きおく)に足(あし)を取(と)られて〖One more chance 回忆绊住我的脚步〗
One more chance 次(つぎ)の场所(ばしょ)を选(えら)べない〖One more chance 无法选择下个地方〗

いつでも捜(さが)しているよ どっかに君(きみ)の姿(すがた)を〖总是在一直寻觅 寻觅着你的身影〗
向(むか)いのホーム 路地裏(ろじうら)の窓(まど)〖对面的月台上 小巷的窗口里〗
愿(ねが)いがもしも叶(かな)うなら いますぐ君(きみ)のもとへ〖若愿望能够实现 好想马上去到你身边〗
できないことは もう何(なに)もない〖如今我再也不会有丝毫退缩〗

One more time 季节(きせつ)よ うつろわないで〖One more time 不愿看到季节的变迁〗
One more time ふざけあった时间(じかん)よ〖One more time 曾与你嬉闹的时光啊〗

いつでも捜(さが)しているよ どっかに君(きみ)の姿(すがた)を〖总是在一直寻觅 寻觅着你的身影〗
交差点(こうさてん)でも 梦(ゆめ)の中(なか)でも〖每个十字路口 每次梦境之中〗
奇迹(きせき)がもしも起(お)こるなら いますぐきみに见(み)せたい〖若奇迹将会发生 好想马上让你看见〗
新(あたら)しい朝(あさ) これからの仆(ぼく)〖无论崭新的黎明 还是今后的自己〗
言(い)えなかった  好(す)き  という言叶(ことば)も〖或是那句曾经没能说出口的「喜欢你」〗


いつでも捜(さが)しているよ どっかに君(きみ)の姿(すがた)を〖总是在一直寻觅 寻觅着你的身影〗
明(あ)け方(がた)の街(まち) 桜木町(さくらぎちょう)で〖拂晓的街头 樱树的小镇〗
愿(ねが)いがもしも叶(かな)うなら いますぐ君(きみ)のもとへ〖若愿望能够实现 好想马上去到你身边〗
できないことは もう何(なに)もない〖如今我再也不会有丝毫退缩〗

いつでも捜(さが)しているよ どっかに君(きみ)のかけらを〖总是在一直寻觅 寻觅着你的片断〗
旅先(たびさき)の店(みせ) 新闻(しんぶん)の隅(すみ)〖旅途中的小店 报纸上的角落〗
奇迹(きせき)がもしも起(お)こるなら いますぐきみに见(み)せたい〖若奇迹将会发生 好想马上让你看见〗
新(あたら)しい朝(あさ) これからの仆(ぼく)〖无论崭新的黎明 还是今后的自己〗
言(い)えなかった  好(す)き  という言叶(ことば)も〖或是那句曾经没能说出口的「喜欢你」〗

いつでも捜(さが)してしまう どっかに君(きみ)の笑颜(えがお)を〖总是在一直寻觅 寻觅着你的笑容〗
急行(きゅうこう)待(ま)ちの 踏切(ふみきり)あたり〖在等待列车通过的铁路道口〗
命(いのち)が缲(く)り返(かえ)すならば なんども君(きみ)のもとへ〖若生命将会重来 每次都要去你身边〗
欲(ほ)しいものなど もう何(なに)もない〖那时我一定别无所求〗



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Coming back is good…. sort of

Touched down in Jakarta on er… April 28th, and the first thing I noticed was… gosh, my old pap sure looks old! Came back in disgrace, bringing back a body ravaged by bad nutrition (i think) and the harsh winter, and also bringing back a whack load of terrible results. You know, I don’t really blame anybody for distrusting me that much that I *might not* go back to Canada to study again, only to pack up my things. Well, the whole story is kinda long, so I’ll just tell it in person…. to anybody who doesn’t know the story yet and lucky enough to meet me out on some mamak sessions because you know, I’m kinda grounded~~~ as in, THE grounded, you know, the thing that happens to naughty primary schoolers? : P

I feel like escaping the pressure I’m going to face here, the silence (kinda creepy) I’m getting a bit from my family, the dreaded feeling that somehow right now, my words don’t hold a lot of conviction or weight to them. I feel like escaping back to the shithole in Canada, where nobody gives a damn if you don’t make yourself noticeable, do everything all over again, wham some asses (I always say I want to do this… but I always fail ><), set my boat on sail on an unknown sea trip instead of  forever staying on the land, you know, give myself some credibility. True, I’m so loaded on pressure that coming back doesn’t feel like a trip to rest and prepare myself again for the next trip, but then, when the familiar smell of humid 30ºC air whacked me in the face, I thought, to hell with the pressure man! You don’t face the heat, you never become a man eh?

I want to go back there so badly…. even if only for one more semester before I potentially give up all my freedom to start all over again in M’sia in a course my parents will choose for me instead of me picking up what I want. I want to prove to myself, I’m not a loser, I might have gone down hard once, but I ain’t letting that sonofabitch scream to the whole wide world that I sucked at adapting to a different life… nor a western study environment. First things first, no more grandiose visions or fanciful goals, one thing at a time. I just gotta change my attitude and way of learning piece by piece for now. Stay put in my chair and learn how to study for no shorter than 1 hour… first. That’s all I wanna do for now.

So kawans, go steady on the mamak invitations if you guys happen to hit Klang again yeah? My mom planned a lot of trips for me these four months… with the family XD, and I think I only have a quota of 1 mamak per week, so well, you get what I mean?

P.S. Dad, if you ever read this, I know you are disappointed in me, so disappointed that no adjectives can be used to describe that feeling.  But then, your son didn’t spend 2 years in the wilderness without learning any lessons. Ok, what I did was wrong, reeeaallll wrong, but I still learned some things. They will take some time to manifest in my actions though.

P.P.S Dear mom and two elder sis, sometimes I just wish you guys would trust me enough to let me stand up on my own and encourage me somewhat while I do that without giving out a helping hand. I just need some trust and nice words (although most of the time I need some pressure though : P), not a damning verdict that I’ll never come good on myself. That said, I may have done some unbelievable whoppers in my time, but I’m not a spoiled kid at heart, nor do I make it my personal vendetta to piss you guys way over the meter ; )
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她拒绝了他100次,第101次,他拒绝了她 (转载)








  5年的研究生一下子过去了,她也到了 25岁的年纪。也确实考虑过选择他的。但是终究没有开口


































但是,谁都无力面对—— 一个爱你很久很久的人转身离去。




几米说: 当你喜欢我的时候,


Things work both ways, to the first story above i’ll say this to "her":"serves you right!"
Overall, 2 very naive stories, but still within my acceptable range.

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post Malaysian Cultural Night (MCN) 趣事

So, the Malaysian Student Society of UNB organized a MCN on the 20th of February 2010. Naturally, I was part of it. That day everything actually went very well for us, from the deco part, setting up the lighting, right to helping out at the kitchen. Well, the focus isn’t actually on the event, it’s what happen the day after the event.

You see, I took my digital camera (btw, just an observation, everyone, and I really mean everyone, is so obsessed with DSLRs today. It’s like, it’s either a DSLR or none at all…. what the hell is wrong with you guys = =|||) with me during MCN day and I took quite some pictures of behind-the-scenes. And well, you guys should know the procedure by now (and YES!! i’m taking a stab at those DSLR owners : /). Take pictures, edit pictures, post on facebook and tag a few faces, and if you are covering an event, you might even get to add a few new friends as well. That’s exactly what I did on Sunday morning, which is the morning after MCN.

Anyway, the real story starts now. Just as an additional piece of information for you guys, this year, at UNB Fredericton campus, there’s like 20 Malay students, 12 of them are first years while the rest are my batch, all JPA scholarships. Ok, so I was actually quite proud with my album because I had been receiving lotsa lotsa "likes" and "XXX made a comment on your photo album"… until I saw 2 messages in my facebook inbox. The first of them is this:


Zuhair Muhammad

February 21 at 11:56pm

heyaa.. well, i sawthis pic in ur profile..!/photo.php?pid=31085983&id=1310057879&fbid=1392024363206

pic.. well, can u delete it from ur album.. coz thats my gf.. sorry to
say so, n it
seems rude..but well, the pic bothers me a lot.. lol.. so,

Candid shots
Have fun doods 😀
By:Wong Sheikh Yeah

At first I was like huh??? wtf??? How does a photo of your gf joking with another guy bothers you alot??? Are you for real???!! And the next thing I read was this:

owh.. n 1 more favor..

Zuhair Muhammad

February 21 at 11:59pm


this one too.. can u delete it.. it seems that u have n keep her pic..
to say, but i dont like the idea.. sorry to bother u..

By this time I could already feel my temper rising. I was like 你老妈的,令伯拍MCN的照片你不爽就要我 delete???? 卜你老母的啦!每个人都不爽我拍的照片我不是很不得空??!!After posting this thing as my facebook status, I could literally feel my temper rise by the minute, and you know what I did? I took screenshots of the messages (see below) and posted them on my wall along with the caption "you think I give a crap about what bothers you???". Hahaha, this naturally attracted quite a few comments asking me what happen and I was more than obliged to answer their questions, having a few chuckles along the way.

After I was done with replying the comments, I did a little snooping on this "Zuhair" bitch-ass’s FB profile. I actually didn’t have his gf’s FB account added in my friend’s list, and she wasn’t tagged in any of the pictures either, which was why I wanted to know how the heck did he managed to go through the entire album. Apparently, there’s another first-year malay JPA whom I had tagged in the pictures who is a friend of that dumbass. He must have received a notification from FB that "so and so was tagged in a photo" and used that link to browse through my pictures. 本来不想理这条扑街的,过后越想越手痒,终于当场就回了这条水一个敬礼:

After this I went to bed actually waiting in glee for this guy’s response. 2 hours later, I woke up and booted up my computer. This guy really didn’t disappoint me cause his reply arrived right a few seconds after I had logged in FB, and he actually had the balls to say this:

By this time I was really swearing non-stop. 你妈的,你当我是傻佬吗?你又懂她的 preferences???我都还没有 tag 到她你就跟我 ah ji a zo,况且女事主都还没出声,什么时候轮到你说话哦??!!还有,我都还没有答应你第一个要求之前你就敢敢和我说 "owh, and 1 more favour"??!!!操你老娘的祖宗十八代,what favour?!我和你很熟吗?

And then as if to answer me, the whole hoo-ha  focus of this drama sent me a facebook message 2 minutes after this guy’s message RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES:

This time I was really quite mad, 好踩不踩,踩到我的尾巴??妈的,我就跟你斗怪懒!

I let myself have 2 more hours of sleep, and then i posted the above pics on my wall before I gave them this:

Hahahaha, well I admitted I kinda gave in to their request, but for the sake of being 怪懒, I purposely didn’t want
to delete the picture of Farah joking around with another guy cause I knew that had to piss this zuhair dumbass off the
most for sure. hahahaha.

But the story wasn’t to end yet. An hour later, my housemate Edwin, also the president of MSS came to room and ask
me to delete all the wall photos and statuses regarding this whole drama. And at that time before that I heard Edwin speaking
on his handphone, so I thought some bi*ch called him to ask him to ask me to delete those things (which I later found out
wasn’t the case =P) and that made me even madder at that time. But bo bian loh, the president has already opened his mouth,
have to give him face too right? So I deleted those wall photos and statuses. hahaha…

wait guys, the story hasn’t ended yet.After that right? this biatch Farah, you know what she did? she outright blocked me on
FB!!! Cause previously when i first read her message, I could click on her name/link that will link me straightaway to her profile,
but then later the link thing mysteriously disappear. I was like = =|||, 妈的,I did you two a favor, you two asses didn’t even say thank
you or bother to reply me and now you OUTRIGHT BLOCKED ME???!!!! Fine! you better disappear outta my 180º eyesight, I don’t
even want to see your stupid face, best if you can just disappear off the face of the earth. It’s not as if I wanna add you to my friend’s list
after this fiasco anyway = =.

Whatever it is, it’s astonishing how stupid malays can be. Take this dumbass Zuhair for an example, you would forgive him for being
an uneducated kampung boy, but instead, surprise surprise! He is studying in U of Toronto!! Makes you wonder what they have in
their brains after all…. and the Malaysian government is wasting taxpayers money to send this kinda water-brain overseas to study = =.
So what if I delete those photos? does it mean it never happened? Walaneh, if you are so afraid of having your gf being courted
by other guys, the fuck you go and study in U of Toronto? Come over to U of New Brunswick to study la! Or you can put your
girl on a leash and doggy lead her all the way to Toronto la! zzzzz…..

so, anyway, rant finish. Just wanted to share this funny stuff with you guys, that day i told mr Lim about this, he said, put it on
MSN! And then i went :O, true true, facebook cannot share share on MSN la hahahahah! ok then, have fun brothers and sisters,
I wanna take some sleep now, march break you see 😀

P.S. If you guys wanna know the pictures that i mentioned, it’s pic 29 and pic 43 in the album MCN photo Backup shown below, I
have already deleted pic 43, so i don’t think you guys will be able to view it on facebook. And it’s weird right? Such a big hoo-ha
can be made out of 2 very innocent looking pictures = =. No wonder Malaysia will always be a laughing stock when such
idiots can be politicians.

Posted in Normal stuffs | 2 Comments

Happy 2010 folks!

Well, I don’t know what to write actually. Just felt compelled to post something after neglecting this space for like what, 2 months? Not really sure. Anyway, another year has gone by, but I still find myself acting like a kid, and still find myself making lofty promises that I always failed to accomplish any of them, only for the same cycle to happen time and time again. Blah, feels like a whiner, and nowadays I whine so much more than talking crap, which is crap. Heh~

Anyways, just wanna wish you folks a Happy 2010. For the 2nd year running, i won’t be able to attend the class gathering during CNY, so don’t miss me…. not that you guys will really miss me if you know what I had done… XD. Ok, I will refrain from talking down that path as I’m starting to laugh myself half-dead now. Seems like everyone is doing well eh? There’s no recent news whatsoever from the blogosphere….. or maybe everyone has too many things to worry about that they just wanna hide? Meh… whatever…. haven’t been too happy recently either cause so many things happened at once recently. New sem starts on tuesday, so I’m just gonna relax for one more day before I go into another self imposed exile again. Have to really pull my socks up and erm… yeah, that’s just about it.

Btw, I miss home…. alot.
And I miss my youngest sis. And I miss just about everything in my life a few years back… that includes my age. 😀
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Demoted, demoted, demoted!!

Now, be gone from the top of my msn list where i don’t have to see your nick appearing first every time i login. : D

P.S: and don’t worry, you won’t know it happened either. : D
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Pulling the pieces of me together

Suddenly I just broke into pieces again for the past 3 weeks. Damn, laziness, is getting the better of me, and I sure as hell don’t wanna have a repeat of last sem, which is why I’m trying my damn-ness to force myself into study mode right now. I didn’t even realize that finals is just 4 weeks away, damn~~

Anyway, things aren’t going along so well, and I’m starting to see signs of implosion that really ruined my last sem (which was way back during the Jan – April period). Head is throbbing, hands are sweating, heart is panicking, no way, there’s just no bloody freaking way I’m going to implode again. I won’t let the implosion that led to the spuds being dished 3 eggs by the Arsenal destroy me, I WANNA BE THE ONE DISHING OUT THE EGGS!! rawr!!

Alright, rant finished. Time to bury my head in some serious studying.
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super random shit

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok, that was super random… just felt like shouting out something, nothing serious. 😀
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